Semantic-based Knowledge and Information Sharing System for defense training and operations
S-KISS is a forum app that enables users to share both knowledge and experience through interactive peer-to-peer discussions. It also allows authorized users to validate and disseminate quality content. The S-KISS forum application is a flexible and scalable architecture with mainstream open-source software development technologies. With broad and generic language models WordNet and RoBERTa, the capabilities developed in S-KISS are applicable for military knowledge and information management in any space, air, sea, marine, and cyber domains.
S-KISS functions can be extended to the commercial sector, such as be utilized in relevant software applications such as collaborative communication platforms and e-training discussion forums.
METHOD: Forum Website Development, Knowledge Similarity Searching, Knowledge Graph Construction and Knowledge Grouping
KEYWORDS: Defense Knowledge Sharing and Management, Forum Website Development, Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Graph, Text Similarity, User-Generated Content
RESEARCH: Zhao, Qingliang, Huong Dang, Nichole Sullivan, K. C. Chang, T. M. Clemons III, Genshe Chen, Erik Blasch, and Khanh Pham. “S-KISS: semantic based knowledge and information sharing system for defense training and operations.” In Sensors and Systems for Space Applications XV, vol. 12121, p. 1212102. SPIE, 2022.