May 11, 2022 – IFT received a Navy SBIR Phase I Contract “A Pattern of Life Integrated Classification Engine (PoLICE) for RF Situational Awareness”

IFT NewsJune 21, 20220 Commentsintfusiontech
The growing DoD interest surrounding radio frequency (RF) situational awareness has created a critical need to understand RF spectrum behavior. Mainly, analyzing how it is used by different RF applications, emitter behavior in an operational environment, and analyzing the different types of transmission behavior. Understanding such behavior provides a deeper understanding of the situation and locating potential threats. PoLICE, an RF situational awareness solution that is well-equipped to deal with a large amount of RF signals collected from a congested environment in near real-time. In this proposed effort, IFT and its academic partner aim to develop a system that will learn RF situational behavior.
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