September 15-18, 2020 – IFT attended the 21st (and 1st virtual) Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies (AMOS) Conference
October 15, 20200 CommentsUncategorizedAt the AMOS Conference IFT presented a paper “Game Theoretic Synthetic Data Generation for Machine Learning Based Satellite Behavior
September 10, 2020 – IFT received a Navy SBIR Phase I contract “Distributed Cooperative Beamforming Oriented High-Precision Time and Phase Synchronization of RF Sources across Multiple UAS Platforms a Dynamic and GPS Denied Environment”
October 15, 20200 CommentsUncategorizedSmall UASs have found many applications within both the defense and commercial sectors. With the increasing use of small
August 25, 2020 – IFT became a member of The Naval Aviation Systems Consortium (NASC)
September 8, 20200 CommentsUncategorizedNASC has been formed to support the technology needs of the Naval Air Warfare Centers (NAWCs) and the Naval
August 12, 2020 – IFT and Air Force Research Lab, Space Vehicles Directorate, Geospace Technologies Division (AFRL/RV) signed a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) to develop the cognitive radio networking and Communication Technology for Space Application
September 8, 20200 CommentsUncategorizedA CRADA is a unique collaboration that enables the transfer and exchange of technology and professional expertise and provides
August 11, 2020 – IFT patent “Methods and systems for testing satellite signal receiver antenna” has been granted
September 8, 20200 CommentsUncategorizedIFT patent “Methods and systems for testing satellite signal receiver antenna” has been granted by the United States Patent
July 27, 2020 – IFT received a USSOCOM SBIR Phase II contract “A Gated LFMCW TDMA MIMO SAR based Hidden Chamber Detector”
August 3, 20200 CommentsUncategorizedIFT received a USSOCOM SBIR Phase II contract “A Gated LFMCW TDMA MIMO SAR based Hidden Chamber Detector.” The
July 17, 2020 – IFT received a Navy STTR Phase I contract “CRISIS: Knowledge Graph Based Cyber Resilience Integrated Security Inspection System”
August 3, 20200 CommentsUncategorizedIFT received a Navy STTR Phase I contract “CRISIS: Knowledge Graph Based Cyber Resilience Integrated Security Inspection System” The
July 6, 2020 – IFT application to the ARCNet Consortium was approved
August 3, 20200 CommentsUncategorizedIFT application to the ARCNet Consortium has been approved. The Autonomy Research Collaboration Network (ARCNet) is a collaborative environment
June 9, 2020 – IFT patent “Cone-based multi-layer wide band antenna” has been granted
July 22, 20200 CommentsUncategorizedIFT patent “Cone-based multi-layer wide band antenna” has been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
June 9, 2020 – IFT patent “Method and system for pattern discovery and real-time anomaly detection based on knowledge graph” has been granted
July 22, 20200 CommentsUncategorizedIFT patent “Method and system for pattern discovery and real-time anomaly detection based on knowledge graph” has been granted
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