Prof. Zhi Tian at IFTs 2018 Colloquium
April 12, 2018 – Prof. Zhi Tian and Dr. Yue Wang presented “Sparse Signal Processing -Recent advances and applications in Communications” at IFT’s 2018 Colloquium
June 3, 2018Uncategorized

Prof. Zhi Tian and Dr. Yue Wang presented “Sparse Signal Processing -Recent advances and applications in Communications” at IFT’s

Abstract IFT Patent logo
April 10, 2018 – IFT patent “Method and system for detecting multiple moving objects from real-time aerial images” was granted
June 3, 2018Uncategorized

IFT patent “Method and system for detecting multiple moving objects from real-time aerial images” was granted.  This patent involves

April 4, 2018 – IFT received an Army SBIR Phase I award regarding A Platform Agnostic Low SWaP-C Chirped LFMCW Radar for counter-UAS application
June 2, 2018Uncategorized

IFT received an Army SBIR Phase I award regarding A Platform Agnostic Low SWaP-C Chirped LFMCW Radar for counter-UAS

IFT at AFCEA Belvoir Industry Days
April 3-4, 2018 – IFT attended AFCEA Belvoir Industry Days
June 2, 2018Uncategorized

IFT attended the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) the Belvoir Industry Days at the Gaylord National Convention

IFT logo as robot
March 28, 2018 – IFT was awarded a SBIR Phase III contract titled “Global Traffic Communication Networks with Field-Programmable-Gate-Array Based Single Sideband Modulations”
April 9, 2018Uncategorized

This project is based on IFT two efforts, a FPGA based hardware solution for a space ground link system 

Optical Engineering
March 18, 2018 – IFT became lead of a Special Session on Sensors and Systems for Space Applications to SPIE Optical Engineering
April 9, 2018Uncategorized

The Special Session proposal on Sensors and Systems for Space Applications is a special session of SPIE Optical Engineering. Optical Engineering publishes

Prof. Rosa Zheng at IFT Colloquium
March 16, 2018 – Prof. Rosa Zheng presented at IFT’s 2018 colloquium
April 9, 2018Uncategorized

Professor Y. Rosa Zheng gave a talk regarding “Research Progress in Wireless Communication and Compressive Sensing” at IFT. Rosa

IFT attended IEEE Aerospace Conference at Big Sky, Montana
March 3-9, 2018 – IFT attended IEEE Aerospace Conference at Big Sky, Montana
April 9, 2018Uncategorized

At the IEEE Aerospace Conference, IFT served as a session organizer for Software Defined Radio and Cognitive Radio Systems

Abstract IFT Patent logo
February 20, 2018 – IFT patent entitled “Sliding window energy detection for spectrum sensing under low SNR conditions” was granted
April 9, 2018Uncategorized

This patent describes methods and devices for spectrum sensing using sliding window energy detection. A sliding window energy detection

IEEE technical event Dr. Pham
February 13, 2018 –  IFT attended an IEEE technical event on “Resilient Synchronization of Radio Networks of Clocks: A Pursuit-Evasion Graphical Game Approach” presented by Dr. Khanh Pham
April 9, 2018Uncategorized

IFT attended an IEEE technical event, IEEE AES Washington/Northern Virginia Chapter, which included a presentation by Dr. Khanh Pham titled the

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