Nov, 2012 – IFT has been selected for an Air Force SBIR Phase II award on A Holistic Approach to Optimal and Secure Tactical Wireless Broadband Systems
April 17, 20170 CommentsUncategorizedIn the Phase I effort, IFT proposed a Holistic networking Infrastructure for tactical Satellite Communication Networks (HISCoN). It supports
Aug, 2012 – IFT received an Air Force STTR Phase I award on Effective Routing Algorithms for IP based Satellite Networks
April 17, 20170 CommentsUncategorizedThe main focus of this project is to develop innovative IP routing algorithms onboard over satellites that can link
Aug, 2012 – IFT received a SBIR Phase III contract on Autonomous ISR Testbed with Multiple Robots
April 17, 20170 CommentsIFT NewsIn the Phase III, IFT seeks to apply technologies developed in SBIR previous phases to a real (or real-life
May, 2012 – IFT received a DARPA SBIR Phase II award entitled “VHF/UHF Emitter Localization Based on DOA Fusion with Two UASs”
April 17, 20170 CommentsIFT NewsIn phase I, we developed an emitter localization technique based on the fusion of Direction of Arrival (DOA) measurements
January, 2012 – IFT received an Air Force SBIR Phase I award entitled “A Holistic Approach to Optimal and Secure Tactical Wireless Broadband Systems”
April 17, 20170 CommentsUncategorizedIn this project we propose to develop a holistic approach to managing multi-hop broadband systems with three intertwined components:
January, 2012 – IFT received an Air Force SBIR Phase I award entitled “Network Sensor-Based Defense Framework for Active Network Security Situation Awareness and Impact Mitigation”
April 17, 20170 CommentsIFT NewsNetworking technologies have given rise to worldwide social, business, and military networks, and commercial networks in US has been
September, 2011 – IFT received an AFRL subcontract entitled “SOA based persistent ISR Testbed development”
April 17, 20170 CommentsIFT NewsIFT received a contract from Temple University. In this AFRL funded project, IFT will team with Prof. Haibing Ling
July, 2011 – IFT received an AFRL subcontract entitled “Stackelberg Game Approach to Cognitive Radio Networking with Anti-Jamming Capability”
April 17, 20170 CommentsUncategorizedIFT received a contract from Michigan Technological University. In this AFRL funded project, IFT will team with Prof. Gerry
June, 2011 – IFT received a DARPA SBIR Phase I award entitled “VHF/UHF Emitter Localization Based on DOA Fusion with Two UASs”
April 17, 20170 CommentsIFT NewsDARPA awarded a contract to IFT. In this project, IFT proposes an emitter localization technique based on the fusion
April, 2011 – IFT received a contract on implementation of face detection, eyeglasses detection, and image retrieval algorithms for face recognition
April 17, 20170 CommentsUncategorizedIFT received a contract from ALCON State University. In this contractual project, three research tasks (face detection, eyeglasses detection,
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