Feb, 2016 – IFT received an Air Force SBIR/STTR Science and Technology Maturation Program contract on Multiple INT Fusion Services under Contested Environment
April 10, 2017Uncategorized

The Air Force has a need to maintain a strong intelligence capability in semi-permissive and anti-access area denial (A2/AD)

Jan, 2016
April 10, 2017Uncategorized

IFT received an Air Force SBIR Phase II enhancement on SATCOM Cognitive Radio Testbed

Sept, 2015
April 10, 2017Uncategorized

IFT received a Navy SBIR Phase I contract on A Camera, Laser Ranger and RF MIMO SAR Mixed Imaging-Ranging

Sept, 2015 – IFT received a Navy SBIR Phase I contract on A Low SWaP-C Chirped LFMCW Radar Based UAS Collision Avoidance System
April 17, 2017Uncategorized

The proposal presents a low space, weight and power (SWaP) and low cost chirped linear frequency-modulated continuous-wave (LFMCW) radar

Sept, 2015 – IFT researchers received two the best paper of the session award at 34th DASC
April 17, 2017Uncategorized

Two IFT papers were selected as the best paper of the session at 34th DASC: 1) Spread Spectrum Design

July, 2015 – IFT received an Air Force SBIR Phase I contract on An Intelligent Image Compression Broker Based on Objective with Feedback
April 17, 2017Uncategorized

The proposal presents an Intelligent Image Compression Broker Based on Objective with Feedback. A novel structure is applied to

July, 2015 – IFT received an Air Force STTR Phase II award on Harness Enhanced Awareness for Radio Systems (HEARS) for Dynamic Spectrum Access in Space Application
April 10, 2017Uncategorized

In the first Phase, IFT and its partner GMU developed an innovative Harness Enhanced Awareness for Radio Systems (HEARS)

June, 2015 – IFT received an Air Force SBIR Phase II contract on HEADGTSM: HPC EnAbled Distributed Game-Theoretic Sensor Management for Space Situational Awareness
April 10, 2017Uncategorized

The space domain today is becoming increasingly congested. The detection, classification, and tracking of Resident Space Objects (RSO) is

March, 2015 – IFT received an Air Force STTR Phase II contract on Evaluation of SANDGT Using SOA Framework for Persistent and Risk-Averse Space Situation Awareness
April 10, 2017Uncategorized

Space superiority needs protected tactical space communications with dynamic spectrum sharing, routing adaptation and interference mitigations against kinetic and

Jan, 2015 – IFT received an Air Force STTR Phase II contract on Evaluation of High Performance Computing Enabled Multiple-Target Tracking Based on Massive Parallelism for Urban Surveillance Areas
April 17, 2017Uncategorized

Threat detection of people, vehicles, and others as well as person-vehicle interactions (dismounts) of possible malicious intent are difficult

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